Greenville ADHD Specialists uses FDA approved Qb Test for diagnosis of ADHD SC

In a crazy world where it can seem hard to focus on the important tasks at hand such as work, school and keeping the bills paid… what if there were a way to find out if you actually have ADHD or if you just need to knuckle down and get yourself together?

A new Greenville South Carolina ADHD clinic is now open and accepting new patients for just that very reason!

Greenville ADHD Specialists uses FDA approved testing to diagnose and evaluate adults and children to see if you actually have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This test is call Qb test and is the first test of it’s kind to receive FDA approval for diagnosis and on going treatment of ADHD.

Dr. Sheila Woods and Dr. Heather Brannon have opened up their practice, Greenville ADHD Specialists, here in Greenville, SC due to the growing need for adults and adolescents to get a handle on their ADHD.  These trusted physicians bring decades of experience to the table in order help you reach the highest level of achievement in your life.

Visit their website at

Also see their press release about the Qb Test:

South Carolina Greenville ADHD Specialists Using FDA Cleared Test for Evaluation of ADHD